Brand Protection

Get rid of EXCEL sheets to manage your business, have all your data on the same CRM platform and all in one click. Your Royalties will significantly increase.


This sticker is forge proof and copy proof -100% GUARANTEED

• Protect you Brand avoiding counterfeiting.


• Your Brand will earn prestige in the market in respect to competitors.


• Get the widest security protection through our security hologram.


• Hologram is patented and registered with the IHMA (International Hologram Manufacturers Association) an association that guarantees the hologram is unrepeatable.


• The high security Hologram is non falsifiable since it contains many cutting edge security measures that are invisible to the human eye and only known by you. Due to this, we give you a decoding sheet for all the security measures, without this it is impossible to be able to reproduce the hologram exactly.


• Verify the authenticity of a hologram by PC, MAC, Tablet or Smart phone.


• Using the SMART HOLOGRAM you will see the area of the world where your products are sold most.


• By a unique and unrepeatable numbering system and other data included in the hologram you know the exterior manufacturer where it was made and the date it was made. Control the production of external manufacturers especially if they are of low cost production and have a tendency to falsify products producing more quantity that authorized.


• Use our Software CS Licensing  to control external manufactures.


• You can consult your information from any part of the world by PC, MAC, Tablet or Smart phone.

Contact us for a free review of your needs